I was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba and began playing music at the age of ten. My first musical instrument was the accordion, which was no surprise as my parents were European immigrants with a German background. At the age of thirteen I saved enough money by cutting grass one summer to be able to afford my first guitar. It cost $30.00. My father saw that I had no real interest in playing the accordion anymore so he helped me buy it by offering to pay for half. Thanks Dad!

My mother was a guitar player and she taught me a few chords and how to finger pick. She had a guitar that she had made for her in Paraguay when she was fifteen years old and I still have it hanging in my studio to this day. Thanks Mom!

But what really got me interested in playing and performing was an older cousin who introduced me to …here it comes… The Beatles, (you guessed it) and many other popular bands of the day. At family gatherings we would sit in his room and he would play me all the new songs that he had learned. The first song he taught me to play was“Louie, Louie”. It was all done on one string!

As my playing got better I started playing in various small bands in Junior High and High school. The first time I got asked to join a band wasn’t because of my playing ability but, because I owned an amp which the singer could use as a P.A.!

As an adult when my three sons who were at a pre-school age, I would often play guitar and sing them songs before bed. Writing songs for me came quite easily and before I knew it I had written quite a few. It was then I decided to try my hand at being a children’s entertainer. This became a successful and rewarding career for me and I still enjoy performing some of those same songs to this day.

I moved our family to Calgary, Alberta in 1994 to start another chapter in my musical career. Myself along with my musical partner Jon Briggs started a duo called “The Rodeo Riders”. In early 1996 another great musician and friend joined our group Greg Rumpel. We have enjoyed nearly thirty years of performing together as “Dusty Britches”, “Saddlesore Sam” and “Happy Bellows”. We performed for over twenty years at The Calgary Stampede and toured through out Canada and into parts of the US. YEE HAW!

Over my nearly fourty years as a performer I’ve worked as a song writer, musical composer for cartoon series and various stage productions as well illustrated and written several children’s books. It’s been a great journey.

My new project “ My Old Radio” is one that I’m really enjoying. It takes me back to when I was first discovering music and how powerful it was to me as a young boy growing up in the early 70’s. I love performing these classic songs.

I’m not sure where my musical journey will end, but I am enjoying the ride and I hope it lasts for a long time yet.