DJ Warkentin

Entertaining for nearly

4 decades!

DJ Warkentin is a seasoned entertainer

and has been performing at festivals,

in concert and many other events across Canada since 1986.

His ability to capture and hold an audience is extraordinary.

DJ is an award winning performer, singer, songwriter, producer

and enjoys connecting with his audience.

His new stage show:

“My Old Radio - The AM Experience”

is being applauded by audiences everywhere

and is the next chapter in his musical/performing journey.




I have no hesitation in recommending DJ as a performer.
He embodies both the creative spirit and attention to detail that will be an asset to any event.
A captivating entertainer!
— Nancy Abrahamson -Edmonton International Children's Festival
DJ is a performer who personifies energy, fun and talent!
DJ had our audience in the palm of his hand from the first word spoken and held them there for the entire show.
What a performance!
— M. Holland - Stampeder Exploration
As an educator I am always looking for programs that in addition to entertaining, engage student’s imagination and inspire creativity.
DJ’s performance certainly did just that!
Students and teachers were still talking about it the next day. A “10” in my books!
— Robert Brabec- Principal St. Jude Elementary School
DJ performed a show that kept our audience (children and parents alike) spellbound!
You dared not look away for fear of missing part of the show.
— C. Todosichik - Trizec Social Club